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List of Repositories that have acquired the Data Seal of Approval. Below you can find a list of all the repositories that have, in the past, acquired the Data Seal of Approval. ADP - Social Science Data Archives. BABS - Long Term Preservation at the Bavarian State Library- Library Archiving and Access System.
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Science, Tech and Medicine. Business, Law and Society. 12 staff graduates recognized at May 19 reception.
Comprehensive Data Management Planning and Services. Write a Data Management Plan? Learn about funder data requirements? Find answers to other FAQs? New Data Storage Finder. Wed, Feb 28, 2018.
Values, Vision, and Mission. Using Sub-Accounts and Sub-Object Codes for Activity Tracking. Petty Cash and Cash Drawers. Travel Advances and Prepaid Expenses. Current-Year Long-Term Investment Pool Rates. Prior-Year Long-Term Investment Pool Rates. Investing in the Long-Term Investment Pool. Revenue and Expense Year-End Accruals.
Office of Research Integrity and Assurance. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. New Protocols and 3-Year Renewals. Can you be a PI? What NIH and NSF Investigators Need to Know About the Use of Animals. ACUPs - Animal Care and Use Procedures. ABPs - Animal Biosafety Procedures.
Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship. Energy, Environment and Sustainability. Health, Nutrition and Medicine. Law, Government and Public Policy. Life Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Alcohol from dairy waste may be headed to tap near you. Memorial event to honor Ted Lowi April 21. Military historian to speak on populism April 23.
Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Office of the Vice Provost for Research. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Juan Hinestroza applies nanotechnology to fashion and design.
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